Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Felt Art Exhibition and Christmas Bazaar at VillaRosa, Orimattila FINLAND

Villa Rosa Christmas BazaarVilla Roosa is a beautiful exhibition building originally used as wool felt slippers factory. They have organised 14 summer exhibitions of modern textiles and visual arts.

Now felt art exhibition and Christmas bazaar is open in Villa Roosa, during 28.11. - 20.12. 2009.
Open daily 11:00-18:00, Sun 6.12.

Downstairs showroom presents Felt Assosiation's selected exhibition, "The atmosphere of the winter", college students' felt mats, and more.
Admission fee of the exhibition: € 4
children under 15 years: € 2, children under school age: free.

The Christmas bazaar invites you throughout the exhibition period! Assortments, especially felt makers' felt products, products of local artisans, plenty of art books and cards, and AikaFeltWorks' items are also there. Christmas cafe is open as well. Free admission. Come along!

Villa Roosa
Käkelänraitti 4
16300 Orimattila
0400-757 607